Welcome to my first website ever!
Some facts about me!
This is a safe space for all :).
I am currently doing my A-levels :'( which sucks to be honest, I'm doing; core maths, epq, physics, history and computer science (a tip for anyone chosing their A levels or who hasn't picked yet, do not, i repeat DO NOT pick physics!!! Unless you're willing to spend tons of time and energy on understanding the topics and are comfortable in learning everything again from GCSE's since they genuinely and literally lied to us. Just straight up flipping lied).
A bit more about me: I'm a 16 year old that is lowkey stressed about the future not gonna lie and the christmas depression definetly got to me cus why am I making a whole ass website instead of actual work? Oh well, plus I kinda cheated since i used a layout lol, atleast I learnt something along the way, this is really bloody confusing, even with the premade layout T-T
I am like a music freak who cannot live without music flowing through my veins 24/7. Some of my favourite genres include: pov:indie (+ other types), pop, (modern/) rock, permanent wave, shoe gaze, french pop and melancholia (whatever any of that means lol).
Some of my all time favourite artists include: Mitski, Mother Mother, Arctic Monkeys, The neighbourhood, Lana del rey, Cavetown, TV girl, Cigarettes after sex, Alex g, Girl in red, Radiohead, Chase Atlantic, and Pomme, though recently I find myself listening to: Muse, Tyler the creator, Arctic monkeys, Duster, Laufey, The cranberries, The smiths, Glass animals, Vundabar and Rainbow kitten surprise!